Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to Learning Common Lisp in a hurry?

A tutorial, one or two books and some friends.

Learning about Learning and Machine Learning


I liked the funny way that Stephen Marsland described the learning process based in experiences in the book Machine Learning An Algorithmic Perspective. He said: "Learning is what gives us flexibility in our life; the fact that we can adjust and adapt to new circumstances, and learn new tricks, no matter how old a dog we are!"

Machine Learning

From Stephen Marsland in the book Machine Learning An Algorithmic Perspective: "Machine learning, then, is about making computers modify or adapt their actions (whether theses actions are making predictions, or controlling a robot) so that these actions get more accurate, where accuracy is measured by how well the chosen actions reflect the correct ones."

Machine Learning Research Project

Uncovering Social Spammers: Social Honeypots + Machine Learning

Kyumin Lee, James Caverlee and Steve Webb 

This is a interesting article, that was wrote in 2010 at Texas A&M University. It explored the use of machine learning to create spam classifiers able to detect new and emerging spam in social networks. Their initial data base to train the classifier was based in social honeypots, bots that analysed spam behavior on the social media. In addition, a human inspected the results of the social honeypots to certify a spam user.

In this image is possible to see theirs system work:

In conclusion, they got 82% of precision on detection of spam users on twitter using the Decorate classifier. This article can be found here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

First post

I just post this pic that I took from the lake to see how it is going to look: